Evolution of Education

Benefits of Online Martial Arts

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Evolution of Education

Benefits of Online Martial Arts

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Data Driven Results

In a world driven by data and metrics, it has become increasingly important to back your statements with truthful, solid evidence. So much information is available; yet much of it is unsubstantiated or manipulated. It is vital, especially when seeking something new that you may be unfamiliar with, to do your research and validate the information yourself.

When it comes to online martial arts programs, effectiveness is the ultimate measure of success. The ability to empower individuals, sharpen skills, and achieve tangible results is what separates the truly exceptional programs from the rest.

We want to take this opportunity to present our research to you – in the realm of data-backed excellence, our online martial arts program is a training platform that has consistently proven its effectiveness over time. With a wealth of information at our fingertips, we have analyzed the outcomes and progress of many martial arts enthusiasts who have embraced our digital dojo concept, and we’re sure you’ll agree that the results are remarkable.

We will explore the power of statistics and shed light on the unique attributes that make our online program the undisputed leader in its domain. We will analyze the numbers and reveal key insights from individuals who have experienced firsthand the transformative impact of training with our program.

Our purpose is to lift the curtain on our data-driven journey, where expertise meets innovation and results are more than just words on a screen. We’re going to uncover the empirical evidence that propels our online martial arts program to unparalleled heights, igniting a passion for martial arts and empowering individuals of every background and ability.

The Data

When we began studying the effectiveness of our groundbreaking online education tool, we chose to study a diverse group of beginner level martial arts students. The study included both neurotypical and neurodivergent students.

Our results were nothing less than shocking. Here’s the details of our research:


  • Students across 4 Achieve studios (CA, NV, and UT)
  • 30 neurotypical students (15 control group, 15 experimental group)
  • 20 special needs students (10 control group, 10 experimental group)


1 Private Lesson in-studio, 1 Status Evaluation, and 2 Group Classes per week


Achieve Online Platform, 1 Status Evaluation, and 2 Online Group Classes per week


24 months

The Results

As you can see by this graph, the rate at which the neurotypical students progressed within the online program was approximately 50%+ faster than standard in-studio programs on average. Below, you’ll see similar results in our neurodivergent students.

As an instructor with over 20 years of teaching experience, my first priority is quality of instruction: what I mean to say is that each belt rank has a proficiency standard. My concern going into online training was that standard might be sacrificed for the convenience of at-home training. The results we gathered were exactly the opposite – our online students got better, faster.

Check out these graphs that demonstrate the success rate across the board, neurotypical and neurodivergent:

The Analysis/Conclusions

The graphs clearly illustrate the results of our study, but we had to ask why is there such a large differential between in-studio training and online?

One of the main advantages of training online appears to be directly related to skill play, or gamification.

Gamification is the concept of integrating typical game features such as point scoring, competition, etc. to a standard product or service. The idea is to encourage participation and engagement by making the product or service “fun”.

The Achieve Online program utilizes this concept by providing their students with an opportunity to place on a leaderboard and receive feedback through a numbered system correlating to “stars”. These “stars” indicate where the student is on their personal belt journey, and what they excelled with or where they needed more attention.

This ranking system elevated their motivation to continue, and we found that student retention across all participants was also higher over this period. Gamifying martial arts in an online format allowed students to achieve smaller goals in a shorter time frame, boosting their confidence in their ability to push forward.

Another point we discovered in our research was that the ability for students to train at home (or whatever environment they chose) was influential in their success. Consider the challenges that many neurodivergent individuals face: creating a “safe space” for them to learn was not only attractive to many but necessary for some students.

We heard from our participants that they felt more comfortable online, more willing to participate, and more motivated to continue the program without feeling like they are under pressure from classmates or judgment from peers.

In addition, the inherent flexibility that comes with learning online was enticing to all our participants. Many had reported difficulties coordinating schedules to attend classes multiple times per week and felt unmotivated to make major changes to accommodate additional learning opportunities.

Conversely, under the Achieve Online program, students found that training at home provided more opportunities for additional learning on top of the regularly scheduled classes in the study. Combined with gamification and flexibility, students attended more classes online than they attended in person.

In the end, we discovered that the Achieve Online program better motivated students, provided accommodations they sought after, and did not sacrifice the quality of instruction but rather improved retention, effort, and achievement.

Students who participated online found that their confidence improved exponentially as they climbed the leaderboards and easily broke through the barriers of long, arduous training in a studio setting.

Neurodivergent students reported feeling more comfortable and more willing to participate in additional training because of the flexibility and were more successful in our data than their counterparts in-studio. In addition, the parents of these students told us that they saw an increase in self-control, self-esteem, and self-discipline.

Achieve Martial Arts has managed to identify the weaknesses within the standard in-studio model for both neurodivergent and neurotypical students and has capitalized on the available technology and resources found online to offer a state of the art online martial arts training program. We are thrilled that you have found us, and we can’t wait to see you online in your next challenge! Good luck and get ready to get better…faster!

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