Martial Arts

Redefining Success and Empowerment for Autistic Individuals

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Martial Arts

Redefining Success and Empowerment for Autistic Individuals

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Attention Parents of Neurodiverse Children:

  • Is your child part of a therapeutic environment where they are not progressing and growing?
  • Are you and your child frustrated with the options available?
  • Do you feel like your existing ABA/OT program just isn’t enough?

For years, parents have struggled to find programs that truly invest in their neurodiverse child’s development. However, in the heart of our community lies an organization dedicated to empowering individuals through education and support. Life College ( breaks this mold of insufficiency, offering genuine support and a belief in every student’s potential.

Founded in 2014 by Greg Brashears, Life College was born from a vision to create a nurturing environment where individuals with intellectual challenges can thrive and learn to be independent after high school. Inspired by a personal journey and a deep commitment to inclusivity, Mr. Brashears established Life College to provide comprehensive learning opportunities that foster independence, growth, and a sense of belonging.

If you’ve ever felt that traditional programs aren’t doing enough for your child, you’re not alone. Life College serves as a beacon of hope for neurodiverse individuals and others who require specialized support, offering a range of services from vocational training to life skills development. They recognize these gaps and actively work to fill them, ensuring every individual is given the tools and opportunities to succeed. Moreover, it stands as a premier training ground for future occupational therapists (OTs), equipping them with the knowledge and experience to make a meaningful impact in their field.

As fellow members of the community, we greatly admire and appreciate the impactful work that organizations like Life College conduct – and because of this, Believing Through Achieving have partnered with them to offer the countless benefits of martial arts to their student base. Our partnership is designed to break through the barriers that both parents and children encounter, providing a rigorous yet supportive environment where true growth happens. Together, we are forging a collaborative path to empowerment, utilizing the transformative power of martial arts to build strength, confidence, and resilience in those we serve.

The Importance of Physical Activity

While the students at Life College receive top-notch academic instruction, it was also important to integrate a consistent physical education component. We know that physical education is crucial to overall well-being, and its importance is magnified for neurodiverse individuals.

In fact, a recent study claims that autistic adults not only have poorer physical and mental health than their neurotypical peers but also have an increased risk of premature mortality and greater annual health expenditure than non-autistic adults overall and across nearly all specific areas of healthcare (Weir, Allison, & Baron-Cohen, 2022). This debilitating statistic is devastating, especially considering the daily challenges that many of these individuals already endure.

If you’re worried that your current program isn’t doing enough to safeguard your child’s health, you’re not alone. This data highlights the urgent need for comprehensive programs that address both physical and mental health – something our martial arts curriculum is designed to tackle head-on.

Those who are neurodiverse also must deal with other healthcare hurdles: communication can be difficult for some, complicating diagnoses and treatment, and many practitioners admit that they don’t possess the knowledge to fully help those seeking assistance (Weir, Allison, & Baron-Cohen, 2022).

“A scoping review found that, overall, healthcare providers reported limited knowledge, resources, and training regarding autism and that they were limited in their ability to manage complex care needs of autistic patients” (Weir, Allison, & Baron-Cohen, 2022)

How many times have you felt frustrated by the lack of understanding from those who are supposed to help? Our program is different – it’s built on a foundation of understanding and genuine belief in every participant’s potential.

Even though the challenges of physical/mental/emotional healthcare for the neurodiverse population can be stifling, it’s easy to see the value in seeking more holistic remedies that can be controlled at home, independently, to maintain good overall health. The benefits are clear: when traditional approaches fall short, it’s time to explore alternatives that truly work.

Research has shown that regular physical activity provides a multitude of avenues to increase endurance, flexibility, balance, cardiovascular health, and more. Creating a routine of physical activity can help combat many of the challenges that neurodiverse people experience, and it offers a host of benefits that extend beyond physical health, positively impacting mental, emotional, and social dimensions.

Specifically, structured physical activities like martial arts can be particularly beneficial. These activities provide a predictable and supportive environment where individuals can improve their motor skills, their coordination, and enhance their overall physical fitness. The discipline and routine inherent in martial arts training can also help in managing anxiety, providing a sense of stability and order.

In addition, martial arts can serve as a valuable outlet for managing daily stress and emotions. The endorphins released during exercise act as natural mood enhancers, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, the sensory input provided by physical activities can help regulate sensory processing issues, leading to greater comfort and adaptability in various environments. Because neurodiverse individuals are more apt to suffer from depression and anxiety, a holistic approach like physical activity is an optimum choice to reduce symptoms (Barkley, 2024).

Additionally, the sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering a new skill like martial arts or achieving a milestone of any kind can significantly boost self-esteem, confidence, and self-efficacy. For neurodiverse individuals, these positive experiences can translate into other areas of life, enhancing their overall quality of life and well-being.

“…incremental progress, no matter how small, is still progress and must be recognized as a form of growth and self-improvement” (Miller, 2023)

Beyond the physical and mental/emotional benefits, regular physical activity also plays a critical role in cognitive development. For example, martial arts involve coordinated movements and strategic thinking, and can stimulate brain function and improve focus, attention, and executive functioning. This can lead to better performance in academic and daily living tasks. Moreover, the structured nature of martial arts training, with its emphasis on repetition and gradual progression, can help reinforce learning and memory retention.

The therapeutic benefits of physical education and specifically, martial arts, cannot be overstated. It offers neurodiverse individuals a holistic approach to development and nurtures physical health, cognitive growth, emotional well-being, and social skills, creating a comprehensive framework for improving overall quality of life.

Working with Life College

When was the last time a program truly changed the way your child thinks, learns, and grows?

Through our partnership with Life College, Believing Through Achieving have the pleasure of not only experiencing the learning process one on one with their students but also witnessing their incredible transformations.

Here are some of the amazing things that martial arts are doing at Life College:

“Seeing their enthusiasm while they’re doing this is really rewarding. Also, seeing how they’re pushing themselves to do it, even though they can struggle with it, they WANT to do it. It’s great.” – Life College Instructor

“It helps me with my balance…and you train your brain to remember these exercises in order and eventually, you get them right and perform them well. It boosts your confidence!” – Life College Student

“My goal for them is to be independent. Being able to master the moves by themselves and feel confident enough to teach it to others is amazing.” – Life College Instructor 

“I’ve seen a lot of them come out of their bubbles and start yelling out the next move…we have a client that is generally very quiet. I’ve never seen her command a class or use that vocal projection that she is using here in the martial arts environment. This class has really boosted her confidence.” – Occupational Therapist at Life College

“I love this class! I see myself going forward and progressing as I get better. It’s definitely fun!” – Life College Student 

Because our online platform is designed to be self-paced, there is no rush to learn – the anxiety that often accompanies traditional group settings is eliminated. It is also flexible enough to create a group learning environment or simply practice at home in your own space.

In addition, our curriculum is broken down into small enough pieces that anyone can participate in regardless of their challenges. Once a student feels comfortable enough with what they’re learning, they can mentor and teach others. This cooperative learning experience is not only excellent for building confidence and self-esteem, but it also creates a sense of community amongst those learning martial arts.

Regular physical activity is vital for neurodiverse individuals, offering profound benefits that span physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains. The structure, discipline, and holistic nature of martial arts make it an exceptional choice for fostering these benefits – especially in a flexible, easy to learn program like ours.

If your current program isn’t living up to your expectations, it’s time to explore something different. Our online martial arts program, in partnership with Life College, is designed to deliver real, lasting change – empowering neurodiverse individuals to achieve their fullest potential. At Believing Through Achieving, we recognize and champion these benefits, striving to make martial arts an accessible and enriching experience for all.

If your neurodiverse child or someone you know is not progressing or receiving the physical activity they should be, Believing Through Achieving can help. To speak with a Believing Through Achieving instructor regarding our curriculum and how it helps empower neurodiverse individuals, simply click on our consultation link ( to schedule a meeting or simply reach out to us via email at



Barkley, S. (2024). Is Depression Neurodivergent? Retrieved from

Miller, D. (2023). GymDesk. 12 Essential Benefits of Learning Martial Arts. Retrieved from

Weir, E., Allison, C. & Baron-Cohen, S. Autistic adults have poorer quality healthcare and worse health based on self-report data. Molecular Autism 13, 23 (2022).

Zehr, E. P. (2012). Psychology Today. Martial Arts and the Autism Spectrum. Retrieved from


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